Free counselling for Victorians with disability who have had violence, abuse, neglect, or exploitation perpetrated against them.
Relationships Australia Victoria are offering a free trauma informed counselling service for people with disability who have had violence, abuse, neglect, or exploitation perpetrated against them; and/or anyone who is impacted by the Disability Royal Commission.
You do not need to be legally diagnosed with a disability to access our service; you may self-identify too. Relationships Australia Victoria classify a disability as a condition that gets in the way of your day to day functioning or wellbeing. It may be physical, such as difficulty walking or moving, or you may have affected senses, so it is hard to see or hear. You could have difficulties learning or reading, or you may have been affected psychologically, and emotions could be hard to live with.
Relationships Australia Victoria can offer:
- Counselling support
- Support to access interpreters and translation services
- Information around the impacts of trauma, and skills and strategies to manage these impacts
- Information about the Disability Royal Commission to decide if you want to make a submission
If you have had violence, abuse, neglect or exploitation perpetrated against you, or want support engaging with the Disability Royal Commission, you can call Relationships Australia Victoria on 1800 317 387 or email us at [email protected].