An Interesting Place to Be

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Martin Wright’s Vision Loss Story.

At a loss to describe the surreal and traumatic experience of losing his vision, Martin gives a droll summation of the initial weeks of his vision loss as “an interesting place to be” as though he had found himself in a screwball comedy predicament rather than faced with a permanent disability.

Through conversations with Martin, host Stella Glorie learns that this is a typical Martin self-effacing and understated comment. But behind this, is a deep-thinking and thoughtful man who is coming to terms with his vision loss and what this now means for him and his family.

In this podcast series we take an in depth look at a year in the life of Martin Wright, who lost his vision in November 2016. Martin takes us through the changes and challenges he’s dealing with and we get to know Martin, his wife, Pat, his family and learn about how his vision loss has impacted on his life.

Episode 1

Martin takes us through the extraordinary story of losing his vision while driving home after taking his wife to hospital. He talks about his life before vision loss and the subsequent changes.

Episode 2

Martin chats about the freedom that comes from a white cane and how his grandchildren have adapted his vision loss into their games.

Episode 3

Martin and his wife Pat try a cruise. Martin talks about giving up driving and the pressure of looking after his grand-kids when he can’t see them.

Episode 4

Pat, talks about the day Martin lost his vision. Martin chats about his faith and we meet their backyard chickens.

Episode 5

Martin takes us for a walk with his white cane. He describes how he uses this mobility tool and we encountered all the sights and sounds along with him. We chat with Orientation and Mobility specialist, Luke Price, on the independence a white cane can give someone.

Episode 6

In this, our final episode, we take a look back since Martin first lost his sight. Martin discusses how he has adapted to vision loss and reflects on his achievements and his overall resilience as well as the elements he still struggles with.