Welcome to the home of Vision Australia’s ‘Nothing’s Off Limits’: a podcast series where experts and people with lived experience sit down with hosts Tess and Polly and discuss topics we love to avoid but absolutely need to talk about.

These are the subjects which are often felt to be too awkward or embarrassing to ever get talked about in a straightforward and open way.
Each episode will be accompanied by a list of resources to help you take the conversation further.
Broadcasting on Vision Australia Radio from May 5th 2021
The first episode of Nothing’s Off Limits will start on-air across the Vision Australia Radio network on May 5 and every Wednesday thereafter at 9pm local time right across our national radio network.
The program will be repeated at 9:30pm each Sunday (9pm Saturday in in Adelaide).
Catch up with episodes at a time that suits you, with episode links below.
If you want to follow up on any of the resources mentioned in our podcasts, or learn more about the topics covered, we have pulled together a downloadable sheet of resources and further information to accompany each episode.
If you are affected by any of the issues raised in these podcasts please refer to the support listed at the top of the relevant resources and information guide.
Episode 1: Physical wellbeing, nutrition and exercise
In this episode, Tess and Polly explore why physical wellbeing matters, and how you can get and stay physically healthy.
Episode 2: Confidence and safety through body language and movement
In this episode, Tess and Polly explore what it feels like navigating different physical and social environments when you are blind or have low vision.
And they delve into some strategies, tips and technology solutions out there which can really help you interact with people and places with confidence and safety.
Episode 3: Mental health
In this episode, Tess and Polly explore some of the common symptoms of mental distress, how vision loss and mental health can be connected and the importance of seeking support to improve our mental health.
Episode 4: Personal care
In this episode, Tess and Polly ask guests about personal care, exploring everything from removing unwanted body hair to using public facilities. They also delve into everyone’s favourite time of the month and find out more about managing menstruation.
Episode 5: Healthy and unhealthy relationships
In this episode, Tess and Polly explore the subject of relationships: how can you cultivate and nurture healthy relationships and how can you identify and deal with unhealthy ones? And what are the particular challenges if you are blind or have low vision in building and maintaining positive relationships with partners, parents, children, siblings, friends and carers?
Episode 6: Body image and appearance
In this episode, Tess and Polly explore Body image and Appearance. What do we mean when we talk about body image and what perceptions do you have of your own and others’ appearance if you are blind or have low vision?
Episode 7: Dating
Episode 8: Adult entertainment, products and services
In this episode, Tess and Polly explore adult entertainment, products and services. Every adult has a right to access adult entertainment, products and services, including sex toys, adult movies and sex workers. However, it can be difficult for people who are blind or have low vision to purchase the products and services they want independently and anonymously. With the help of two amazing guests, both with lived experience of blindness and low vision, we really do go off limits!
Episode 9: When you don't feel blind enough
Vision Australia estimates that, of the 384,000 people in Australia who are blind or have low vision; approx. 10% are blind whereas a staggering 90% have low vision.
So in this episode, Tess and Polly explore the specific experiences, of having low vision.
Do people understand that there is a spectrum of vision loss?
What are the specific challenges you might face if you have low vision, and how do you navigate the literal and metaphorical obstacles of seeing differently?
With the help of our guests we try and find out…
Episode 10: Identity, community and disclosure
In the final episode of the series, Tess and Polly explore how you take ownership of your disability if you are blind or have low vision. With the help of our guests, we consider disability as a label, as a community, and as an identity.
Spread the word
Please spread the word to your friends and families and bookmark this webpage for updates and links to the new podcasts.
Send us your comments or feedback, to [email protected]